• Auto Ranging for extended curves.
• No purge gases required.
• Maximum 60 calibration curves and 300 data points per curve.
• Calibration curves can be edited after they have been saved.
• Measurement times from 30 – 999 sec.
• Measurement repeats from 1 – 99 times.
• Oxygen correction feature eliminates interference which can affect Sulfur readings.
• Various sample types* [Solids, Liquids, Powders, Pastes, Pellets, and Films] can be measured.
• Can program up to 20 Admin & User accounts.
• User replaceable Kapton window.
• Micrometer adjustment of graphite crystal angle for better sensitivity.
• Stand-alone PC to allow software updates electronically.
• Built-in interlocks to protect end-user from X-rays.
• Silicon Drift Detector/X-ray Beryllium Window.
The SimPrep automated sample dilution system does more than just mixing and dispensing; it can automatically create – Spikes, Calibration curves from predefined dilution factors, Serial dilutions, etc
The Cold Field Emission source is ideal for high-resolution imaging with a small source size and energy spread. Innovative CFE Gun technology contributes the ultimate Scanning Electron Microscope with superior beam brightness and stability, affording high-resolution imaging and high-quality elemental analysis.
SmartScope systems from OGP utilize multiple capabilities, usually found in multiple specialized systems, within a single system. This added versatility translates into lower capital expense and lower operating costs for your benefit.
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You may contact our specialists by accomplishing form below.